Our programme can be integrated within the following curricula:
Republic of Ireland
Junior Cycle
- CSPE: Action Project; Unit 1: The Individual and Citizenship; Unit 2: The Community; Unit 4: Ireland and the World
- SPHE: Communication Skills; Friendship; Influences and Decisions; Belonging and Integrating; Self-Management
- Transition Year modules that provide opportunities for projects in Development Education/ Global Citizenship Education/Social Justice Education themes and skills
Senior Cycle
- RE (examination or non-examination subject): Section C: World Religions; Section D: Moral Decision-Making: Section F: Issues of Justice and Peace
- Social Education (Leaving Certificate Applied): Contemporary Issues Task: Module 3: Contemporary Issues 1; Module 5: Contemporary Issues 2
We shall be developing resources for short courses and the forthcoming subject of Politics & Society.
Northern Ireland
Year 13
- Social and Environmental Studies: Modules on Communication and the Media; Issues in Global Development; Rights and Responsibilities in the Law
- Social RE (non-examination subject in Catholic Maintained schools)
- Government and Politics: Module 3: Political Behaviour
- Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (COPE): accredited CEA project task
- Personal Enrichment Module